
Something is bothering Christopher Bennett, and not just in a figurative sense. He seems like an unremarkable boy living a nondescript life in the west Texas town of San Angelo. However, Chris has a purpose that goes far beyond his wildest imagination. Mysteries that date back to the founding of San Angelo, Ben Ficklin, and Lone Wolf haunt his thoughts while answers seem just out of reach. He's determined to find the truth but the unveiling will forever alter the spiritual underpinnings of the entire region.

Getting Back to San Angelo (~147,000 words / 462 pages) is a fictional adventure that follows a group of children from elementary school through to early adulthood. This book describes their interpersonal and spiritual journeys as each character attempts to come to terms with the darkness that has pursued them from childhood.

General Information

Shane Burke is the author of Getting Back to San Angelo. The subject matter delves into the spirit realm with a touch of science fiction and is geared towards adult readers. Some PG-13+ language is included but not gratuitously. The first four chapters are available below for preview:

The audio book version is available on Audible. Download the first four chapters below:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Print Chapter 5: North Street
Chapter 6: The Sandstone Forest
Chapter 7: Don't Go There
Chapter 8: Unveiling
Chapter 9: Another Doorway
Chapter 10: Claire
Chapter 11: The Key
Chapter 12: Brown's Pool
Chapter 13: The Waters
Chapter 14: Resonance
Chapter 15: Neff's Amusement Park
Chapter 16: Jitters
Chapter 17: Ruidoso
Chapter 18: Moab
Chapter 19: Getting Back to San Angelo
Chapter 20: Operation River Rat, Part Deux
Chapter 21: The Door and the Darkness
Chapter 22: The Gilded One
Chapter 23: Unleashed


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